ODI Organizes Ohio Data Demo Day Planning
The Open Data Initiative is looking for sponsors and speakers for a Ohio focused open data event we are organizing. The Data Coalition has held open data focused events over the past few years. I attended the California Data Demo Day last September and was impressed with the cross section of the open data community. Ohio Rep. Mike Duffey, Buckeye Institute, Data Coalition, Sunlight Foundation, Public Interest Research Group, and others have expressed interest in holding a similar event in Ohio. Let’s get Ohio open data folks together to share progress, knowledge, and plan for the near future.
We held a planning meeting this last Tuesday. Thank you to everyone that was able to join the Ohio Data Demo Day planning meeting at Tue Mar 13, 2018 12:30pm – 12:55pm on google hangout.
We are using the Ohio Data Demo Day planning gdoc to build out the plans.
We worked out some preliminary details:
- 23 May 2018 is the target date for the event. Not confirmed yet as some details still need to be verified.
- Lots of ideas for locations to hold the event. We may be able to get the State Librarian to allocate an event location.
- I spoke about the morning focused on the Ohio Treasury Office approach to open data and the afternoon on the DataOhio board meeting
- We want to request Josh Mandell as the headline speaker
- We want to hold a non-official DataOhio board meeting in the afternoon.
- Lots of ideas for sponsors. We will be each speaking with potential sponsors on their interest and reporting back to the group next week. Once we figure out the meeting space, will have sponsorship amounts we will need to go back to the sponsors with.
We will be meeting at the same digital place and time next week.
Interested Sponsors and Speakers reach out to me directly sean@opendatainitiative.io and/or on the ODI mailing list.
Crossposted from sarob.com
Blog posting date March 13, 2018